just 3 words

My 3 words for last week: "I am addicted"
~to photography... to taking/making photographs~
I went poolside yesterday... to read, swim, relax. I had packed my camera bag - three cameras (well, there were puffy clouds, so I needed the IR one) and left it at home. Panic! There are potential photos everywhere.... alas - I need help. Is there a group out there? Will B&H please stop accepting my orders? (just kidding you guys - winkwink!)

PS I am reminded of a quote:
There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera. And, you will see the most glorious sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed. Don't be bitter because you can't record it. Sit down, drink it in. and enjoy it for what it is! - DeGriff