I have been asked what was the highlight of my trip and wow! is that hard to answer. I saw so much natural beauty, so many incredible animals, met so many wonderful people - I am still in awe of South Africa. But if I had to choose just one experience, it would be the early morning walk with the lions on the Masuwe Estate near Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. We walked alongside three young males, ranging in age from 3 - 16 months... no leashes. We watched as the two in the photo above spotted a wart hog and encircled it - the warthog escaped... I don't think the lions were hungry, but were just doing what lions do. Later, we were allowed to hold the smallest cub for a few minutes. He weighed about 25 lbs and it was an amazing experience!
The level of crime in South Africa was probably the most surprising to me, even though I was expecting it somewhat. The security measures protecting virtually every home reminded me of Caracas, Venezuela when I was there in the early '90's. I know I could not live in such a constant state of fear/apprehension. I was fortunate to see South Africa through rose colored glasses, so to speak.... being on a carefully planned and guided tour, staying at the very best accommodations and generally being watched over the entire time I was there.
Would I go back? Yes! Would I recommend a tour of SA? Yes!