huamulan03's personal designation: Must-have!
Edited because Andrea-sensei sez it's Silly girl
and NOT Stupid girl.
The Fifth Columnist © Andrea Tezumo/Elex Media
[Cover provided by Andrea Tezumo]
The Fifth Columnist 2 of 2
By Andrea Tezumo
© 2010 PT Elex Media Komputindo
First published in Indonesia 2010.05
ISBN: 978-979-27-7329-3
Street date: 2010.05.12
SRP: IDR 15,000
Look forward to
- Helix × Bishop
- Snatch paper doll
So, after a false alarm in which me and the Telor Ceplok friends (TCF) and extended TCF friend network thought The Fifth Columnist 2 of 2 graphic novel would street on the fifth of the fifth month, the saga of agents Bishop (Luna Patrick) and Helix (Rolf Richter) ends next week, with Elex Media's This time it's for real! release of the spy thriller's finale.
Before I get to the volume 2 preview pix Andrea Tezumo-sensei so generously provided—one has Helix (controversially) calling Bishop a stupid girl
silly girl
while restraining her—let me bring you up to speed on the story (I ‘hacked’ into the The Fifth Columnist files):
In a world where the Chinese and Neo Soviet Republic alliance ‘Concil’ challenges Western supremacy, MI-6 dispatches a special investigative unit to probe into the deaths of four British spies in Hong Kong. Agent Luna Patrick AKA Bishop is partnered with the mysterious alpha agent code-named “Helix.”
Events during the course of their investigation conspire to make Luna even more suspicious of her partner, but answers to her questions will have to wait as a Soviet team sprays their apartment with bullets...
You can download by clicking the pix.
Here's that Gadis bodoh...
(“Silly girl...”) scene (click on the picture for a larger image):
Really, Helix. Don't be so quick with the name-calling. As her creator shares, Bishop just harbours (Brit spelling, Sensei!) naiveté and a particular inferiority complex that don't just grow out with age.
Lindungi aku!
(“Cover me!”) The erstwhile German army recruit slash British MI-6 operative slash Neo Soviet Republic double agent goes into action:
Helix obviously trusts his partner, even if she doesn't return the favor.
The Helix × Bishop aftermath? (Teaser)
And inspired by True Blood, Andrea-sensei slips in this paper doll omake of resident techie Snatch (Robert Church) with volume 2:
There's another teaser for Snatch whom Andrea-sensei sez gets more panel time in the second volume, but it's mine, mine, MINE! (Nah, this Snatch fangirl is willing to share; click on the picture on the right if you also want to download Snatch in debonair mode.)
Now it's time for me to pester Andrea-sensei for the promised Fifth doujinshi ^^
~niki DBA huamulan03 (花木蘭03) who gratefully acknowledges Andrea-sensei's help in putting this post together
Artwork and source summaries used here are © their respective intellectual rights holders. No infringement intended.
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