10-30% off on Elex, Level, and m&c! manga (Elex Comic Center Bintaro 25-30 June 2010 sale)

Get between 10% to 30% discounts off the cover price of Gramedia manga (Elex Media, Level Comics, and m&c! imprints) from 25 to 30 June (this Friday until next Wednesday) at Elex Comic Center (ECC) Bintaro.

Month-end Discounts for Gramedia publications (2010.06.25 to 2010.06.30)

  • 10% discount for Non Members
  • 20% for Elex Club Members
  • 30% for Elex Club Members whose bill reaches IDR 500,000 after discount

For what's available, check out these release schedules:

Release date Imprints
23 June 2010 Elex Level m&c!
30 June 2010 Elex Level m&c!

The discount scheme is also valid for other Gramedia publications (novels, cookbooks, motivation and self-help, children's books, Internet, science and other reference books, biographies, etc.)

ECC Bintaro is open from 10:00AM - 8:00PM WIB and is located at Komplex Ruko Multiguna No. 8P, Jl. Raya Bintaro Utama Sektor 3A - Bintaro. Tel: (021) 7342911.

I don't know if the same yummy deal can be had at other ECCs in the Jabotabek area, but you might want to call the ones nearest you to check (contact numbers are here; hopefully they haven't changed since I last reported a BBM).

~niki DBA huamulan03 (花木蘭03) who suggests you look through the manga releases and start making your shopping list

P.S. I guess you could call this part of the Jakarta Great Sale?

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