I Love You Suzuki kun 5 by Ikeyamada Go (3L shoujo manga out now)

I Love You, Suzuki kun!! 5 (3L)

Suki desu Suzuki-kun!! © Ikeyamada Go/Shogakukan (Serialized in Sho-Comi)
Published in Indonesia as I Love You, Suzuki kun!! by Tiga Lancar Comic/3L

Saw (and bought) this over the weekend. Advising 'case you haven't already snagged the latest I Love You, Suzuki kun!!.

I Love You, Suzuki kun!! 5 of of 9+ by Ikeyamada Go

Original title: 好きです鈴木くん!! (Suki desu Suzuki-kun!!)
Shogakukan (ongoing serialization in Sho-Comi), shoujo
Volume 5 first published in Japan 2009.10
First released 2010.08.31 in Indonesia by Tiga Lancar Comic/3L


Feeling threatened by Sayaka, famous pop star Erika sneaks into the school festival to see for herself just how good Sayaka's acting is. Her cover is blown and Hikaru comes to her rescue? And as a reward for her knight, Erika kisses Hikaru?!

Of course, Sayaka witnesses Teh Kisu and is now jealous!

My usual question: What's happening with Chihiro and Shinobu?

Also, so wish we could also get the anime OAD (bundled with Sho-Comi's first 2010 issue).

Iamque opus exegi,
~niki DBA huamulan03 (花木蘭03)


Cover images and source summaries used here for reference are © their respective intellectual rights holders. No infringement intended.

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