Free Hugs

I took this photo a couple of years ago at the Festival of the Photograph in Charlottesville. VA. A fellow photographer posted a similar "Free Hugs" photo yesterday at Pbase. Some of the comments were "No way!" and "I'll pass on the hug!" and I can understand that reaction. The world we live in has become a place where we are immediately wary of anything free, let alone an invitation to make physical contact with a stranger. This is with good reason of course. There's no shortage of people in the world willing and able to take advantage of anyone who dares to trust.

Don't get me wrong - I don't fantasize about a world that is one big hug-fest. Hugs will never rid the world of evil, but wouldn't it be nice if we didn't assume that a hug had an ulterior motive? Or that people didn't feel the need to wear a sign offering free hugs?

By the way, I gave a hug to the guy in this photo... I felt I was in a safe environment and I wasn't alone. I have to admit though, that on the streets of downtown Atlanta - I would have passed by him... quickly.