I don't have any. I don't like repetition and maybe that's why. Other than paying bills on certain dates, I don't have any daily rituals. This suddenly seems a bit odd to me. If I ever have to take medication on a daily basis... well, that's going to be a challenge.
I don't have a 9-5 job and if I did, I'm sure my days would be more regimented. I don't wake up or go to sleep at specific times. I eat when I get hungry and I pray when I feel sad or overwhelmed.
Crikey! This revelation is making me feel like such an slacker! Well, of course, I do things, go places and generally accomplish tasks, I just do them... whenever.
I think (maybe) I should introduce ONE thing into my days that MUST be done at a certain time. Or... should I make it weekly? Daily seems like such a chore. Hehehe....