La Corda d'Oro 13 and S.A 15 (Chuang Yi 6 January 2011 English manga)

Also, simplified Chinese manga: Shijou Saikyou no Denshi Kenichi #40 and the two Upcomings I reported on the 21st of December. (Scroll down for deets.)

La Corda d'Oro 13 (Chuang Yi) S.A 15 (Chuang Yi)

La Corda d'Oro © Kure Yuki/Hakusensha [Serialized in LaLa]
S.A © Minami Maki/Hakusensha [First serialized in Hana to Yume]
Published in Singapore by Chuang Yi

A second music concours awaits Kahoko in La Corda d'Oro 13, and this time, she has Tsukimori tutoring her in violence, I mean, violin. Meanwhile, in S.A 15, Hikari unintentionally outs Finn's secret in front of the King, when the S.A class spends Golden Week taking in the sun in Finn's country. (Hit the Jump button for the complete Chuang Yi synopses.)

Chuang Yi English manga (2011.01.06)

Release links are hide/unhide. Click for more details

  1. La Corda d'Oro (Kiniro no Corda) 13 of 16+ by Kure Yuki
  2. Kiniro no Corda金色のコルダ」 by Kure Yuki
    Hakusensha LaLa, LaLa DX, and LaLa Special, shoujo
    Volume 13 first published in Japan 2009.08

    Adapted from Koei's Kin'iro no Corda role-playing game (part of the Neoromance series also including the Angelique, Harukanaru Toki no Naka de, and Neo Angelique ~Abyss~ games). A manga sequel, Kiniro no Corda 3, is currently being serialized in LaLa Special.

    Other languages/serializations
    Alternative English La Corda d'Oro (VIZ Media: volume 12 released 2010.06.01 • volume 13 street date: 2011.03.01), simplified Chinese (also by Chuang Yi: 金色琴弦 #10 released 2008.10.29), Indonesian (Elex Media (formerly serialized in HanaLaLa) and French (Editions 12 bis: La corde d'or tome 6 shipped 2010.10.04)

    Outstanding Debut Award, Hakusensha Athena Newcomers' Awards (2006)

    Yumeta's 25+1-episode La Corda d'Oro ~primo passo~ anime adaptation aired in Japan from October 2006 through March 2007, followed by the La Corda d'Oro ~secondo passo~ special (two episodes released 2009.03.26 and 2009.06.05). The cast included seiyuu Takagi Reiko (Hino Kahoko), Taniyama Kishô (Tsukimori Len), Itou Kentarou (Tsuchiura Ryotaro), Morita Masakazu (Hihara Kazuki), Kishio Daisuke (Yunoki Azuma), Fukuyama Jun (Shimizu Keiichi), Satou Akemi (Fuyuumi Shoko), Ishikawa Hideo (Kanazawa Hiroto), Konishi Katsuyuki (Ousaki Shinobu) and Miyano Mamoru (Kaji Aoi, La Corda d'Oro ~secondo passo~).

    A La Corda d'Oro drama was bundled with three other LaLa series (Oniichan to Issho, Ryuu no Hanawazurai, and Kaichou wa Maid-sama!) in the LaLa Tokimeki Drama CD given away with the April 2007 issue.

  3. S.A 15 of 17 by Minami Maki
  4. S.AS・A スペシャル・エー」 by Minami Maki
    Hakusensha Hana to Yume, shoujo
    Volume 15 first published in Japan 2008.11

    Other languages
    Alternative English S.A (VIZ Media: 17 volumes per 2010.11), French (Tonkam: Tome 11 shipped 2010.11; Tome 12 street date: 2011.01.19), Germany (Carlsen Comics: Band 14 shipped 2011.02.01), traditional Chinese (Ever Glory Taiwan) and Indonesian (m&c!, volume 17 per 2010.02).

    A 24-episode anime adaptation by AIC x Gonzo aired on Chiba TV from April to September 2008, starring seiyuu Goto Yuko (Hanazono Hikari) and Fukuyama Jun (Takishima Kei). A Valentine's special drama CD was released earlier than the anime (February 2007) and had a different cast (Asano Masumi as Hikari and Suzumura Kenichi as Kei.) Two succeeding drama CDs (June and August 2008 release) used the same actors as in the anime.

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