Top 10 Female Seiyuu, My Picks

After listing my top 10 male seiyuu, I think it's kinda unfair if I don't make one for my top 10 female seiyuu. Making this list was easier than making the male seiyuu list, but it still took fully one hour to finish :)

Sakamoto Maaya

1. Sakamoto Maaya (坂本 真綾)

Favorite roles:
Ryogi Shiki (Kara no Kyokai)
Nino (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
Fujioka Haruhi (Ouran Koukou Host Club)
Favorite song: Saigo no Kajitsu (Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations ED01)
Really loves her voice as Shiki! Damn, her Yume no youna, hibi deshita line from the Kara no Kyokai 7th movie still echoes in my mind. She also sang a lot of anime opening/ending/insert songs, but my favorite is Saigo no Kajitsu.
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