at my fingertips

This little basket on my desk holds items that I need to do something with or get my hands on quickly or just not forget.

Everyone needs a magnifying glass.. the fine print gets ever finer as I age.

My photography post card... I need to update it (I think). The photos include examples of people and sports, but I think I need a fine art photo as well.

A card showing details of a friend's art show opening... I hope I can make it!

A calculator... easy to reach but solar powered, so if the room light is dim it doesn't work. Hence, I can only calculate during the day.

A luggage tag from my trip to South Africa... well some things are there just for the memories.

A Thank You card from someone I never met... I read about a tragic auto accident a few years ago - the young wife and her two small children were killed after dropping her husband off at work. Her car was struck as she pulled back onto the road. I sent a check to help cover the funeral expenses.

A program card from Melissa's funeral... Melissa was the daughter of a good friend. I have taken family photos for them many, many times over the years. The front of the card has a photo of Melissa that I had taken a couple of months before she passed away at age 32.