A photo-a-day keeps the focus away...

I was midway through my seventh year of taking and posting a photo every day when the process became too stressful. Panic would set in when I'd realize late in the evening that I hadn't posted a photo for that day. That is neither a learning nor a creative frame of mind.

When I began PADing in June 2003, I hoped to train my eyes to see possible compositions everywhere and hone my technical skills - in order to know what settings and lenses were best for the scene I was shooting. I think I've accomplished both goals. I know I now see photos everywhere. And my friends and family have become accustomed to me stopping to snap the odd or unusual... "Why is your mother taking a picture of grass growing between the cracks in the sidewalk?" "(son shrugs)That's my mom.". I keep at least one camera with me at all times. The dedication to the project has made me a better photographer on the whole. But it has not allowed me to narrow my focus and find my photographic center. I have so many photos in so many online galleries that the good ones.. the ones that truly are my best work, are lost in the barrage of 365 photos a year (not including the extras!). Like firing a machine gun, I have pointed my camera at anything and everything in an effort NOT TO MISS A DAY!

With the (self-imposed) pressure off, I can now focus my attention and my camera on making a photograph for the right reasons.