
I got my hair cut today. Ronda has been my hairdresser for over thirty years! When I finally found someone who understood my naturally curly hair - what it would and would not do - I vowed never to let anyone else touch my hair.

We've been friends through all of each other's ups and downs. When I went through chemotherapy and had no hair, she helped me find a wig. When her daughter was stricken with cancer, I went to her house and took family portraits for them. Melissa passed away a month later. When I was traveling every week as a consultant, she would come in to the salon on Saturday to cut my hair... even though she didn't work on Saturdays.

When she went to work at a salon in downtown Atlanta, she offered a few of us who live in the suburbs the opportunity to come to her home instead of driving so far. Multiple Sclerosis and other medical problems have forced her to work solely from her home for some time now. The atmosphere always reminds me of Truvy's Salon in the movie Steel Magnolias... very familiar and comfortable.

Today, a small lizard had somehow gotten inside and scurried across the floor towards the dining room.

 I wonder who that was.